The Boliss Challenge

Try The Boliss SOS Challenge Today!

Can Bolis SOS get you back to normal blood sugar levels faster?

Take part in the Bolis SOS challenge today to be featured on our social media!

Our customers find that they receive the biggest benefit from taking Boliss SOS when their blood glucose level is above 250 mg/dL. When using Boliss SOS, it typically takes approximately one hour for their blood glucose levels to drop below 180. Before trying Boliss SOS, that drop would take some of our customer 2.5-3 hours!

If you want to take the Boliss SOS challenge, please see the instructions below.

  1. Figure out how long it takes for your blood glucose level to return to normal when you are hyperglycemic (and when not using Boliss SOS).
  2. Measure how long it takes for your BG to return to normal with Boliss SOS and compare the difference! 
  3. Report the results via
  4. If your BG does not return to normal in half the usual time, then receive your money back! 
  5. The first 50 participants to submit a video describing their experience with Boliss SOS to will be featured on our social media and win a free bottle of Boliss SOS!